Pie's race lived on the Earth centuries ago before humans were born. When it became
uninhabitable they moved to another planet. This new planet was even worse, and the aliens were forced to
live underground for thousands of years. When finally came back to Earth, they saw it had been taken over by humans,
and they implimented a plan to erradicate humanity.
He defended Deep Blue/ Blue Knight/ Masaya against the Mews. Despite losing, he went back
to his planet with Tart, and Kish. He returned though to try to help his people find a new home someplace on Earth.
Pie is very serious and rarely smiles. He usually thinks up the plans to take over the
world and is quite intelligent. He is a wiz with the Earth's technology, but he still does not like humans.
He lives in an apartment with Kish and Tart. They are looking for a new home someplace
on Earth away from humans.