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Mew Minto


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Character's Regular Name: Minto Aizawa.
Mew Name: Mew Minto.
Name meaning: Indigo Valley Mint. 
Sex: Female.
Allignment: Good. 
Character's Age: 13
Animal: Tahitian Blue Lorikeet
Element: Air.
Likes: Dancing and Gourmet cooking.
Dislikes: Ichigo, and hyper stupid people.


Hair: Lightish blue black.
Hair Style: It's styled into two buns.
Eyes: Brown.
Skin: Peach.
Height: 4'9".
Weight: 84lbs.
Mark: A pair of bird wings.
Mark Location: Middle of her back.

When Minto changes into Mew Minto her hair and eyes turn blue. She also sports a pair of dark blue wings, and a dark blue bird tail. Her outfit consists of a short strapless light blue dress(it looks like a towel wrapped around her). On her upper arms are poofy light blue arm bands that have ruffly dark blue borders. She wears light blue wrist length loose gloves and low loose light blue boots. She has a leg band on her upper left thigh that is light blue with a dark blue ruffle. Her choker is light blue with a dark blue border; her power pendant hangs off it.

Mew Mew Power Pendant: It's a gold oval pendant with a red heart shaped outline on it. At the bottom is a red heart shaped crystal. Around the heart crystal are four smaller oval fittings with smooth red gems in them.
Mint Arrow: It's a bow with an attached arrow. It has two forms; compact, and full size. It's mostly white, the middle of the bow is gold with a pink heart shaped gem and dark blue wings coming off of it. The arrow tip has a smaller pink heart shaped gem with a gold border. A dark blue split tail is on the bottom of the arrow shaft.
DNA Infusion Ability: Flight.
Transformation Phrase: She places a kiss on her pendant; it starts to glow. She calls out "Mew Mew Minto Metamorphosis" and holds her pendant in her left hand. Enveloped in light she stands in an elegant pose with her right arm raised up and her left arm held out before her. Two strands of DNA glow in an "X" and lower into parallel lines behind her. She clasps her pendant and brings it over her head and onto to her back. White feathers spiral around her as she spreads her arms out as white wings sprout on her back. She then limbos back with her arms out over her head. Her hands are crossed at her wrists; she then bends foward ballet style. She draws her arms up her legs; her wings glow dark blue with lighter blue glitter around them. The glitter encircles her body as she leaps into the air; it forms a tutu of light on her. The tutu bursts into white feathers and leaves behind her dress. She then performs a couple of spins and leaps up. As she does this her arm bands appear. Her gloves appear on her hands; she pirouettes as feathers form her leg band, and boots. She stag leaps as white feathers burst away revealing smaller dark blue wings; a lower clump of white feathers bursts away into dark blue tail feathers. Finally, her choker forms with her pendant handing from it.  
Ribbon Mint Echo!: She calls for her "Mint Arrow"  and raises her hand above her head. A spinning circle of white lights rises up over her hand. Her weapon forms in this light. The weapon is compact as it is grasped by Mew Minto. She holds it in her right hand, and points it away from her. Ghostly wings appear spread out behind her. She raises herself up on the toes of one foot, and white wings appear on her back. She spins on her toes and stops pulling back on her bow. The weapon is now full size with a arrow shaft with a glowing tip. She calls out "Ribbon Mint Echo" and  the arrow tip radiates rings of light. SHe releases the arrow and a glowing shot flies at the target. 
Minto first sees Ichigo at the museum where Ichigo and Masaya were on a date. Minto gives Ichigo a handkerchief after she accidently falls; Minto is not very nice to her. Ichigo later on runs into Minto again, Minto tells her that she and Masaya were more interesting than the displays. After they're infused, Ichigo goes with Masaya to return the handkerchief and, on orders from Shirogane, tries to inspect Minto's body for a Mew mark. Minto gets angry and tells Ichigo off. Afterwards, much to Ichigo's chagrin, she's assigned to go to Minto's ballet recital. Minto catches her and asks if she's stalking her. Minto's dog Miki, then turns into a Chimera Animal. Ichigo transforms to fight, but is pinned by the giant dog. The chimera rips the back of Minto's dress open. Ichigo sees the mark and calls for Minto to transform. Eventually she does and drives the Chimera out of Miki's body. Ichigo suggests they make a great team and thinks they might become friends. She reaches out to shake Minto's hand but she slaps it away, saying she doesn't want anything to do with Ichigo.
Mint is a snobby, and moody rich girl. She phenomenal ballet and she idolizes Zakuro, even calls her "Onee-sama" as a term of affection. She is also very sarcastic, especially towards Ichigo, but sometimes can have really good ideas for Ichigo and Masaya. Minto cares a lot about her friends, though she might not show it. At Café Mew Mew, Minto sits around and drinks tea. She rarely works, and instead chides Ichigo to work harder.

She lives alone at home in a huge mansion; only her nanny is with her. Her parents and older brother are always off traveling abroad.