Your name or nickname: GM
Your e-mail: You know it...
Your Age: Old!
Your Homepage: You are here...
Character's Regular Name: Satsujinsha Uta
Mew Name: Mew Komori
Names meaning: Killer
Mew Name meaning: Komori means bat.
Allignment: Evil
Character's Age: 20
Animal: Hoary Bat.
Element: Air/Sound
Light purple.
Hair Style: Shoulder length wavy.
Eyes: Dark
Skin: Pale.
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 145lbs
Mark: A pair of rust colored bat wings.
Mark Location: On her back; on over each
shoulder blade.
There is not much to her outfit. She wears a
strapless corset top that is a reddish brown color. The corset is lace up with white lacing. She wears reddish brown short
shorts with a small bit of lacing up the front. Her boots are lace up thigh highs; and over her whole outfit is a long flowing
dark brown trench coat.
Dark Mew Power Ring:
It's an onyx ring with a reddish brown oval shaped stone on it. Around the stone is three
diamond crystal crystals dark black.
Komori Whip Daggers: A
pair of energy daggers with dark metal hilts. The hilts are dark brown in color, and the energy potion is reddish brown.
DNA Infusion Ability: This
can happen without Mew Aqua. He coat melts with her flesh and turns into bat wings that are attached to her arms. Her
ears become pointy and she her hearing gets very acute. She can fly and use sonic radar to locate things she is looking for.
Transformation Phrase - Dark Mew Komori Metamorposis!:
She holds up her ring on her left, the dark stone starts to glow and she calls out "Dark
Mew Komori Metamorposis!" She stands with her arms out as she is enveloped in dark light. One strand
of DNA wraps around her and lifts her off the ground. Her Mew mark glows, and ghostly bat wings burst out from her. Her
clothes vanish and the wings wrap around her; when they open her fighter outfit is on and she takes to the air. While flyling
high her hair changes to reddigh brown and her eyes turn red. She comes down at top speed; and before she hits the ground
her wings stop her. She touches down and her wings become the coat. She steps around in a circle and then strikes a long
legged pose.
Mew Sonic STRIKE!: She
screeches as such a high pitch that it can crack windows, and cause pain in targets. If she is allowed to continue the sound
can stun targets.
Mew Komori Distortion!:
She calls her Whip Daggers to her hand and lashes out at targets. The energy flies out and wraps around targets; once snagged
Mew Kumori spins around real fast until herself and her captive are lifted off the ground. At the apex of the centrifuge like
spin she releases the captive sending them flying off at great speeds. This leaves the target injured from the inpact and
rather dizzy from the spin.
Mew Spiral Talon!: She
leaps into the air and starts to spin with her enegy daggers held in her hands. She holds her daggers out at arms length and
flies at the targets at great speeds like a drill. This will leave the targets injured with cuts and gashes.
Satsujinsha Uta is a loner; she doesn't get
along with anyone. Her parents are normal middle class people; nothing real special about them. Satsujinsha has resided to
living as a misfit; no one really wants to be her friend since she tends to be slightly morbid. She really does not like people
for various reason. She is in her second year in college; and she has a secret.
Shortly after the mishap in the states, she
was on her way home from night class when she was approached by a dark figure. The ominous figure made her an offer she could
not refuse. She had not agreed to anything when the dark figure left leaving her with a simple ring. When she touched it she
pricked her finger. Blood dripped onto the metal and.the stone on top of it turned reddish brown. She slipped it on her finger
and from then on nothing has ever been the same. She likes the power and pain that she has been given by this ring.
When the dark figure came back she agreed to
help take over the world. From then on she has been working with this dark figure to infect the world and slwoly kill it.
She lives in a small apartment;.she
has no siblings or pets. She likes to go out at night and just walk around.